My second trip that I'm going to is Madrid Spain
The Air plain ticket is about 978 dollars.
The air plain I'm going to take is called Lita
The Flight number is 383DH3
I'm going to take the air plain from,San Juan Puerto Rico.
That is going to take me to Antigua I'm going to arrive their at 5pm
Then from their I'm going to take another air plain from Antigua
The plain # is 309DH3
I'M going to live Antigua at 4:35 Then I'm going to arrive at port of Spain at 7:10pm
The total trip time is going to be 4hr and 45min

Madrid is located in the middle of the map next to Toledo
When I Get to Spain I'm Planing to stay in a Hotel The hotel is called Majestic
The Total cost of the hotel room is 500 dollars In Spain they use euros for moneyIts going to cost me 417 Eu to stay their.
The hotel has allot of things inside of it for example it has a indoor pool
It also has a arcade room for all the children.

What I'm planing to do their is to go to a bull fighting Erina
The total cost to get in is 86 Eu approximately 60 dollars.
The total money i wasted was 1,580 In Eu is 1,099